Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh

The Cathedral of Learning. The tallest building associated with higher education in the Western Hemisphere. A glorious forty-two stories, looming over the University of Pittsburgh campus in the Oakland neighborhood in Pittsburgh. Dedicated in 1937.

Cathedral of Learning close up

Remind you of anything? No wonder Flip likes it.

Temple of Apollo at Stourhead Garden

The Temple of Apollo at Stourhead Garden in England. This is where Flip and Mr. Darcy share their brief fling. I've never been, but I needed a folly for Flip and Darcy's impetuous act, and this one seemed perfect.

Apollo Temple

A view of the Apollo Temple from the estate road. Rather a squatter version of the Cathedral of Learning. Are we noticing a theme here?

First edition Pride and Prejudice

A first edition Pride and Prejudice at the Newberry Library in Chicago. I'm not sure taking pictures was technically allowed. I certainly didn't want to ask in case the answer was no. A fantastic place where anyone is allowed to get up close and personal with all sorts of wonderful editions. My husband and I must have looked suspicious, though, for the person staffing the desk in the special edition room never took his eyes off us. My husband had to stand between him and me in order for me to get the picture you see here. The librarians deliver the book to you on a special padded holder so you don't have to break the spine in order to look through the volume. Awe-inspiring place.

Ivory-billed Woodpecker

The last photograph of an ivory bill, Singer Tract Forest, Louisiana 1935. For a great read about an exciting and worthy adventure, read The Grail Bird: The Rediscovery of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker by Tim Gallagher. A page turner.


Socks: the real reason for the extinction of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.